The Pentagon said Thursday that it would ease some restrictions on women serving in combat roles, a step that in part codifies the reality on the ground in Afghanistan, where commanders have stretched rules to allow women to support ground combat units."
By Craig Whitlock, Washington Post. Thursday, February 9
Should women's roles be restricted in the 21st century US military? Should females be required to register for selective service?
I think that in order for a woman's role not to be restricted, she must meet the requirements of the men. If she can do this, I see no reason as to why she can't serve in "direct combat". Though I would probably never admit this in real life, women are more rash than men, which could pose problems out on the front-lines. Restricting someone's role just because she is female, is wrong at every angle. But, if she is able to do everything physically a man can do, you cannot assume irrationality and deny her the right to serve in "direct combat.
I do not believe, though that women should not be required to register for the armed services at 18. Yes, I realize I sound like quite the hypocrite, but with such a low female population in the military, an influx (if there was a draft) of women would cause issues. Also, in the physical sense, it is more likely for a man to be in shape and work harder to get in shape than it is to be a woman. The cost for new training development would be noticeable.
Unfortunately, there is a double standard in our society for men and women. As much as I oppose it, it cannot be ignored in cases such as the US Military.
Traditional attitudes make many people uncomfortable with the idea of women fighting in the armed services. However, any woman that chooses to fight for her country should be allowed to do so. We live in a country that stresses equal rights for women and minorities. That should be encompassed in all aspects of life. It is unfair for women to be discriminated against because of archaic values. If a woman wants to go into battle to defend her country, then she should be allowed. The actual combat is to protect citizens, such as these women. There is no reason that women should be delegated to roles that barely allow them to serve in almost any useful capacity in the military. We should all experience equality in the work place, and the United States government has failed in this department. However, with a recent expansion in women’s combat roles, the United States is taking steps to reach gender equality in the armed forces. Women have never been subject to Selective Service registration or a military draft in America. I believe that this should stay the same. However, if a women wants to register, they should have the freedom to do so. Women are capable of doing everything a man does in combat. Being in the military is a desire that a person has. This desire and skill has nothing to do with the gender of that person.
This is the twenty first century and although we have come a long way with equality between men and women, there is still unequal treatment between them as seen with the prohibition of many positions in the military. The government shouldn’t have control or restrict anyone who wants to serve their country, be it in a white collar office or on the front line. If there are women who are able and willing to fill these positions they should be allowed to do so. They know what’s best for them and it is a highly personal decision that they’re not going to take lightly. People always say that men and women have the same opportunities and we’ve come a long way and this is true, we have come a long way, but not far enough. Discrimination between the sexes is still prevalent in the military and I feel like it’s the same issue as blacks in the military. Any person who wants to serve their country should have the chance to no matter what sex or race.
However, even though I believe women should be allowed to hold any position in the military I don’t believe that we should have to sign up for selective service. Fighting and aggression isn’t for all women. Even though it may not be for all males either, they would still have a greater chance of survival in combat because they are usually mostly up against men from other countries. If seen from an evolutionary approach, aggression isn’t quite typical for females, but if there is a lady who wants to go into combat she should be allowed to. We just shouldn’t be forced to.
Years of natural selection have made women physically weaker than men. This fact of nature cannot be denied, and attempting to veil it with "equal treatment" is a farce. Women simply cannot be expected to perform at the physical standards of men. That's why the volleyball nets are lower, the Olympic track times are higher, and the expectations not as great. There are always exceptional women of course, who will match and surpass males in sports and physique. However, they are the minority and are not representative. America has gone as far as it should in allowing women greater roles in the military. The recent advances are still within reasonable bounds, but the military needs to ensure a line is kept.
And as far as the draft goes, that is toeing the line. As long as the drafted women are still kept to mechanical, medical, and non-combat roles, all is well, but once 18 year old girls are getting into firefights with hardened terrorists, then the system becomes inoperable. There are limits that evolution have created, and such limits go beyond discrimination and policy. Such limits can mean life or death.
Sooriya Sundaram
Period 6
I particularly do not see any benefit in restricting the extent of servitude by women. Over the course of history they have proven that they have the ability to do the same activities as mean with the same level or skill (or even higher). Seeing as women have undeniably served the country for numerous decades in many ways besides the military, there is no reason to restrict their role in the military.
I believe that if a woman wants to go into battle, she should. Women would not make an uneducated decision regarding the dangers and cons of combat. I have no doubts that they can fulfill the physical and psychological requirements for going into battle. They have clearly demonstrated a pattern of levelheadedness during during battle and have shown that they are just as heroic as there male counterparts.
Equality is essential, and it would be pure blasphemy to not allow women to participate in certain parts of the military and at the same time fight for the justice of other countries. It is first important to make sure that equality is fostered on the home front before enforcing policies of equality overseas.
Women’s roles should not be restricted in the 21st century US Military. Any woman who wants to get involved in the military for her country should definitely be allowed to do so. We live in a society that supposedly treats everyone with equal rights, so if women are able to participate in any aspect or any position in the military, they should be able to decide whether not they want to do so. Women have served the country in the military for decades in many other ways, and there is no benefit in restricting the extent of servitude by women. Women, just like men, can fulfill the physical and psychological requirements for combat. A traditional but false conception is that women cannot fight in the armed services because they are weak and need protection. However, today, women are capable of doing everything a man can do. I believe that women should be required to register for selective services. It takes training for everyone, males included, to fight in direct combat. Some males may not even be as qualified as some females are. If we want true equality, then there shouldn’t be any “off limits” position for females.
Miranda Scaramozza
Period 6
In todays 21st century US Military should not restrict womens roles. By telling women where they can and can't serve, the government is setting us all back to a time when womens rights did not exist. It is the personal decision of a citizen whether they want to serve for their country or not. No position in the military should be denied to women. A noble and selfless act such as volunteering your services on behalf of your nation should not come with certain dos and don'ts. This is not an easy decision for any person to make, telling a women who has made this huge decision that they are not allowed to fill a certain position because they are a woman is simply unconstitutional. The matter of selective services and whether women in the military should be required to sign up for them is an entirely separate issue. Requiring women to sign up for selective services would put some women in an uncomfortable environment with violence and aggression up close and person, which may be too much for some women to deal with. Women should have the freedom to choose where they would like to serve in the military on behalf of their country.
Emily Smith
Period 6
As a strong feminist, my first reaction to this question would be that women should undoubtedly be allowed to serve in the military. Our country was founded on equal rights for all citizens, and as far as I’m concerned, women are just as significant citizens of our country as men. BUT when I take a closer look at the article and think about what it would actually be like for a woman to be on a front line, my opinion wavers. For a woman to be on the front line, in combat, with shots being fired and her comrades being injured, she would have to be able to keep up with the men, plain and simple. If one of her comrades was wounded, a big, tall, heavy man, would a woman be able to carry him off the battlefield to safety? She would need to be able to run as fast as them, lift as much weight as them, and have the confidence to fight. I am in no way sexist and believe that women can do anything men can do but it is biologically proven that men are able to run faster and be stronger than women. A woman‘s inability to carry heavy equipment or keep up with men could hinder the performance of the group as a whole. If a woman is able to prove herself to be just as good as the men she is grouped with, in areas such as speed, strength, and agility, I see no reason why she cannot fight alongside them, but I do not believe this is the case with most women. Therefore, I do believe that there should be some restrictions pertaining to women fighting on the front line of combat. There are many, many other ways women can contribute militarily to our country, but fighting on the front line may be an unrealistic aspiration, even in the 21st century.
Taylor Frazier
Period 8
I believe that a woman's role should not be restricted but she must be able to meet the same standards as a man. If she is able to meet the standards of the men, then there is no justifiable way to restrict her from partaking in the US military. In the 21st century, women and men are supposed to be treated as equals. This means that women should not be restricted but they must rise to the occasion and show that they can be just as strong as men and meet the same standards. Todays women are just as capable as men and are no longer considered 'damsels in distress'. they are able to fight for themselves and for their country. I do believe that women should be required to register for selective services because in order for women to obtain true equality we cannot pick and choose what women can and cannot do based on what we would like to do. Both men and women require intensive training in order to be in a position to fight in direct combat and although some women would find it unbearable and too much to handle, others would be better suited then men and should therefore have the same choices as the men. Our country was founded on equality and that is how it needs to stay which means is a woman is able to rise to the same expectations as a male, she should be given the same opportunities.
Courtney McQuade
I believe that no position in our military should be off-limits to anyone. This goes both ways. There are many many careers that were once considered “women’s jobs” that are now practiced by both men and women such as teachers, nurses, and secretaries. The stigma no longer exists for men in these once considered “women’s professions”, so why should a stigma still exist for women in the military, widely considered a “man’s job”. We cannot tell women that they are not strong enough to serve in combat positions if we are not telling men that they cannot drive the convoys or be military nurses because they are too strong and better served elsewhere. If we tell women that they cannot serve in combat positions in the military because they do no have the stamina of a man then we might as well tell all men that they cannot be hairdressers because they do not have the aesthetic eye of a woman, or nurses because they do not have the compassion of a woman. This is simply not something that can be generalized to all members of a gender; the fact of the matter is that all people are different and certain traits are not necessarily gender-specific or definitive of a certain gender. I think that if a woman wants to create a career for herself in the military, then she should have every opportunity for advancement in this field that a man has.
One important word in this last statement however if “wants”. I do not believe that women should be required to register for the selective service for two reasons. Reason one is that while there may be some women who are physically inclined and full of strength and stamina, the majority of women are not. It is also true that many men are not physically inclined either however, biologically, men are predisposed to physical strength and stamina based solely on hormonal factors. In most mammals, the men are the hunters, the men are the ones who typically fight with each other, and the women protect the children on the home front. The same was true of the first instincts of humans. For a long long time since time began, women were homebodies. The role of women was to bear, raise, and protect their children. Traditionally, women were protected like children as a common courtesy. For example, women and children were the first to be rescued from the sinking Titanic. Our basic instincts tell us that the role of most women is not to be fighting aggressively on the front lines. The second reason I do not believe that women should be required to sign up for selective service is because I believe that, in a sense, the whole thing is a formality which serves to provide a comfort of sorts, like religion. The draft is not something that existed without humans inventing it, just like religion, it was invented by humans to provide them with comfort because humans are uncomfortable with the unknown. Basically, in this day and age, I do not see the draft needing to be implemented and therefore think that it should be kept as traditional where, on paper, if a war ever broke out suddenly and our nation needed protection, the men would be there to fight and protect us, like it was back when humans lived by more basic tenants.
There should be no restriction on women’s roles in the 21st century US military. If a female would like to partake in a military role and she proves herself competent and meets the physical standards to complete the tasks required of her then there should be no restrictions. Serving for the United States in the army is an honor and a privilege, and if a woman has the desire to attain that level of notable service she should not be limited in her pursuits. In the past there were restrictions on women having dangerous positions in the military because of the importance of having women on the homefront, taking care of their families and working to make supplies for the men away during wartime. However, we are in the 21st century, and gender perceptions and roles have changed drastically since then, and that previous stereotype of women’s relationship to combat couldn’t be farther from the truth and what our society has progressed to.
For these reasons it also makes sense that women must register for selective service. This supports the rights of women to be equal and contribute to their country in the same degree as men do. If you look at other highly militarized nations, such as Israel, women are required to register for selective service. Countries like this are a model for highly organized and efficient military action, and there is no reason for the United States not to follow in suit. However, just like men who are deemed not physically competent to perform duties for the military so will women, e.g. pregnant women. If a woman is pregnant then obviously she has a greater commitment to that and cannot be a part of military conscription. Other health conditions would also exempt women.
It is important that these restrictions be eased. In our modern society there are less distinct “women’s jobs” and “men’s jobs”. Though men have evolutionarily different physical attributes and arguably different perspectives on war, women are just as capable to perform the same duties.
Women’s roles should not be restricted in the US military or any area in fact, especially since it is now the 21st century and we have advanced so far. There is no reason as to why women should be rejected from applying to a certain area of the military simply because they are female. Many people with more conservative views may feel that this is untrue and women do not belong here, but anyone who is brave enough and feels strongly enough to fight for their country should have the right to. If a woman wants to compete against men to become part of an area of Special Forces, they should be allowed to. Even though we tend to be smaller and have less strength, women still deserve to be able to try. Everyone should have the equal chance to qualify, even if they end up not making it. Since the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy was lifted it shouldn’t be hard to lift the bans on women. Gay rights seemed to have always been a more controversial issue in comparison to this type of, in my view, sexism. Also, if all men once they turn 18 have to register for the selective services women should also have to do the same as well. Once again, this is the 21st century. Things have changed and everyone should be accepted and treated as equally as possible.
Rachael Robitaille
First and foremost, I believe that if a woman wishes to serve in any branch of the army, she should not be denied the honor. Therefore, I commend Congress for opening up 14,000 combat-related positions to women. However, I believe that much more work needs to be done to break the barrier and reduce the double standard that exists in the military. Personally, I think the debate over whether or not a woman should be allowed to serve is prehistoric and unnecessary. The government should not hold this decision, but rather the women volunteering their lives should decide. The concerns over whether or not women will be able to handle the physical and psychological effects of battle are preposterous. The real issue should be based on the person’s character, not their gender. Being a nation that stresses equality in every aspect of life, why should our principle change just because we are overseas on a battlefield? The argument that it is difficult to make sweeping changes during a time of war is false as well; implementing new laws during wartime can only ensure that they get enforced. Ultimately, the Pentagon should stop dragging their feet and make a decision, so that women do not have to experience small advances every once in a while.
In the 21st century United States military, there should absolutely be no restrictions placed on the roles of women. Today in our society, there is always a constant strive by many to be equal and to be able to have the same opportunities. Therefore, if women want to fight in a unit that is only open to men, they should be able to. The traditional ways of sexism should be completely abandoned by all, and it has to be the same way for the military. Hence, all people should be able to serve in whichever division of the military that they want because the previous ways of casting out women from important positions is not right. For years, people have been fighting to have these restrictions removed, and I believe that it is the correct move. Women have been a major part of the war effort abroad, and they should be given great respect for what they are doing for America.
Additionally, females should have to register for selective service in order to maintain this state of equality. Since all males currently have to register when they become an adult, it should be the same way for women.
In the end, everyone should have the right to serve in any unit of the military that they would like to. The American way is based off of equal rights and opportunities, and it should stay the same throughout the United States military.
A woman should have every right to serve in the United States military as long as she can pass the physical and psychological requirements. If women are to be viewed truly as equals to men then the requirements to join the army and the Special Forces should apply in the same sense as it does to men. In order to serve in the various sections of the United States military, a soldier must be disciplined and possess the skills needed to participate in war. The members of a team must know that they can depend on each other even under the most strenuous conditions that a soldier can experience in war. However, the many problems that accompany allowing women to serve in the military are the social heckling and harassment that can occur from fellow soldiers. The friendly jeering that happens between soldiers in a team can be misinterpreted as harassment against fellow female soldiers; there are instances where the jeering does actually have a malevolent undertone. The connotations that society labels on females are a large part, one of the factors that create the problems that are discussed about when the military considers removing all restrictions on female soldiers. The concept of an all-female elite team for building relationships with Afghan women is important to establishing a connection with the local people. The war that the United States and other countries have waged in Afghanistan and the neighboring regions has darkened the attitudes of the people towards the United States. These types of teams should be further developed in the military because it brings a myriad of essential benefits to waging a war with a foreign country. The United States cannot enter a country without repairing what it has destroyed or harmed. The role of women should be expanded on in the military especially in certain areas.
The army is one of the largest blocks between equality for men and women. Women should have a right to serve in the army just as any other man. I do not believe that women should have restricted roles in the U.S. military. If a women wants to serve her country, than she should be allowed to do so without any limitations. Men make the sacrifice to give up their life every time they go into a combat zone, so women should be able to do so as well. The recent extension of women’s roles in the military just seems like a formality. Allowing women to bear arms and support combat units is something that women already do. In Iraq and Afghanistan many commanders have expanded the limitations so that the women can help as much as they can. The Pentagon is not making any real difference when it comes to women in the military. It seems like this ‘ease of restrictions’ is just something the Pentagon is doing so that it will have women’s rights groups of its back. This is not a concession that is being made to women, and quite frankly this is a little bit insulting. Some may argue that women are not as capable as men on the battle field, but this is an irrelevant point. It does not matter which gender has more skill during battle. The only thing that matters is the protection of rights. Women serving freely in the military, meaning without restrictions, is a choice. Men have a choice, and women should be able to have one as well. If men are required to register for selective service, women should be required to as well. It is not fair to the men who have to be willing to fight for their country, regardless of their own personal attitude. If women were required to register for selective service, then maybe there would be even greater attitude of gender equality within America.
I will preface this entire discussion by saying that if I knew what was best for the military, I probably would not be answering a high school class blog question. Although my knowledge may not be impeccable, I have the highest respect for the Americans who are patriotic and courageous enough to wear are uniform and put their lives on the line to defend us. When a woman feels the passion to defend her country, I think that should be applauded. I do recognize, however, that evolutionarily woman are, objectively, not as strong as men. Therefore, it seems reasonable to give women the same opportunities to serve as men, provided they can meet the same requirements. When lives are on the line, soldiers should be able to trust one another completely, and a lower standard for women in the name of equality is both insulting to women and dangerous to the military. If this decision is made, it seems fair to include women in the selective services. It is true that the average woman's strength is not equal to the average man's strength (again, this is objective with respect to nature), but that does not mean they cannot be called upon to serve their country in some way. Despite physical competency being my veritable dump stat, I was proud to register with the selective services on my eighteenth birthday and fulfill my civic duty. I would surmise that if the selective services wants people with my substandard ability to register, they will be able to find a spot or an excuse with anyone, regardless of gender. Overall, I believe that women should have the opportunity to be fully integrated into the military, as well as the honor of being at our country's call. I also believe that our military knows what it is doing rather more than I do, and will support its decision as both sides of this issue have their merits.
Maggie Senft, Period 6
Women’s roles should not be restricted in the 21st century US military because women deserve equal rights and treatment. It is a personal decision of a woman to serve in the military, and if she meets the specific requirements to serve then she should be granted the right to choose her branch of service. I understand the hardships that the women would endure in the military and I agree that in general men are stronger than women; however I believe that everybody should be given equal rights to choose how to spend their lives. If a woman is fully qualified physically and mentally to serve in such an honorable position, I see no fair reason as to why she should not be allowed to serve. We live in a society where there is a decreased separation of “men’s” and “women’s” jobs, such as nursing (women’s) or serving in the military (men’s), thus women should have equal treatment. Females should also be required to register for selective service because of equality. We as a nation have advanced greatly in reducing the sexism and division between men and women, therefore women should be have the same requirements as men.
The notion that Women are restricted from combat arms merely because of previously held sexist beliefs is inherently false. The infantry in the United States Armed forces is the most sought after, most competitive, and most rigorous of all the branches of the Military. The physical standards that soldiers are held to are extremely high, and the situations that the soldiers are presented with are extremely dangerous. Because of this, I do not believe that the restriction on Women in combat arms should remain and not be removed. If the restriction was to be lifted, the US Army would require gender-nuetral physical standards, and it is estimated that of the thousands of women in the Armed Forces, less than 200 would even physically qualify for the combat arms. If these 200 decided to enter the combat arms, they would join the heavily masculine military subculture, where unit cohesion is key. The addition of a women could absolutely destroy the cohesion of a unit, which could lead to bad decisions and the deaths of members of their units. Normal jarring could be viewed as sexual harassment, which could completely disrupt unit cohesion. In addition, many countries that allowed Women to serve in combat arms repealed their decision within 10 years. This was because the moral of their units with females were among the lowest out of their entire armies. It was no reflection on the performance of female soldiers, but that of the male infantrymen after witnessing a woman wounded. The Israeli Defense Force saw a complete loss of control over soldiers who apparently experienced an uncontrollable, protective, instinctual aggression. The United States' Armed Forces are the strongest in the world, but the addition to Women in combat arms could seriously damage the Armed forces for years to come.
However, I do believe that women should be required to sign up for selective service, as there are many, many non-combat jobs that could be open to Women. If Women want equality this is one of the steps to achieve it. I believe that in a draft, they should draft males and females at the current ratio that they are in the Armed Forces.
Kaitlyn Gaudio
Personally, I don’t want to, nor would I want to be required to serve in the military. Generally, there is a higher percentage of men serving then men, by a great amount. I do believe women are capable of doing anything men can, but I think men are better off in the military then women are. Women may receive less respect and less opportunities simple because that’s how it’s always been. Men are more dominant and physically are more built to live up to the standards that are expected in the army. Women should receive some modifications, since we are physically less able to reach certain standards. However we shouldn’t receive any special treatment or be catered too. If you are a woman going into the army, you better toughen up. It’s not easy and it’s not all fun. So if a woman is capable of serving in a particular combat zone, she should be able to. They shouldn’t restrict woman from doing so unless they have legitamate reasons to.
Allison Saffiott
In traditional times, women have always been considered a domestic figure. As society has changed, so has the role of women. Today, many are taking up the roles traditionally filled by men. One in particular is joining the armed services to protect our country. I feel this is an honorable and truly self less decision. If a woman makes the decision to fight for the U.S, she should be given the opportunity to do this. She should be able to have more of a choice over where she would want to serve. This is why I feel the restrictions of women in the military should be uplifted. If a woman is qualified both mentally and physically then she should be able to fight with which part of the army she wants. This is the 21st century, so I feel the U.S government should hold less prejudice regarding women fighting in war. For this reason, I also think women should also be required to sign up for selective service. As citizens of the United States, women should be obligated to fight for their country when they are needed.
Realistically speaking, the current standards set by the military for combat duty are unattainable for most women. It isn't really a question of sexism or equality than it is qualification. An infantry position in the military is ultimately just another job. therefore like any other job you need to meet the qualifications and expectations set by the employer. I believe the U.S. military should open up combat roles to women, providing that either gender may enlist if they meet the expected qualifications. There's nothing unfair about this situation, those preaching equality clearly have it and those claiming that lower standards need to be set for a woman only further prove that combat oriented roles are not a proper fit for women in the military. The U.S. has one of the strictest standards for combat infantry, and any action made to lower that efficiency and excellence should not be approved.
When it comes to selective service, women should be required to enlist at 18. This again goes back to equality issues, as selective service would place any enlistee in the proper section of the military for each particular individual. It's ridiculous and hypocritical to ask for the best of the both worlds in the current global situation. When a call goes out it's important that every able-bodied man or woman do their part to help the country when called upon.
Eric Price, P8
There is really no reason why women should not be allowed to serve any position in the Military, especially if they put in the effort to earn a certain position. It is now the 21st century and as we wage on in a 10 year war we will need all the man power possible, so why should we deny women the ability to help? Sometimes people say that men are much stronger than women, so men should hold the positions in the military. But, what they fail to see is that on both sides, male and female, they are pushing themselves to the absolute limit in an effort to help our country. Even with women in the military they can offer help to others like any other human being. As I have seen former veterans say before that it didn't matter who was beside you fighting as long as they were there to fight along side with. I believe that as long as the women makes an effort to earn the position.
Another controversy is if women should be forced to sign up for selective service. Most women in this country really are not fit to go into service, so selective service would be a bad choice for every women to sign up. On the other hand, there are many jobs in the U.S. military and armed services that doesn't include fighting so there are opportunities for them there to help out. But, I think women should be given the chose to sign up and not forced to.
Period 6 Matt Mendonca
After reviewing the article from the Washington Post, it is apparent that both supporters and opposers of Women taking on more combat related positions in the military both have valid arguments. However, not being a strong advocate of either side on the matter, I feel as though it is not up to me decide whether one should be denied their personal choice in profession, whatever that may be. In the history of the United States, womens equality, whether dealing with work, voting, or other rights was strongly campaigned. In today’s day and age, that protest for equality of women payed off seeing as though men and women have relatively equal rights now. However, that does not take away from the fact that some jobs are just more suitable for men than women, just as some are more fitting for women than men. Men tend to be better suited for jobs including strenuous physical activity. Being on the front line of the military undoubtedly calls for these physical capabilities and qualifications. However, with the new 14,000 combat positions announced by the Defense Department, it will allow for women to try out for the positions. I have nothing against women obtaining these positions as long as they qualify for the requirements. Who am I to deny them their choice to go and serve in the military? And why would men be able to have that choice and women not? It’s unjust. Also, women need to know the risk going into the job. In the military, people are killed or seriously injured frequently and women are just as likely to be at that risk as men, meaning that if women go for the front line, women will imminently die. It’s important to know the risk they’re taking and their responsibilities of the job. As long as they can see through these things, I have nothing against women fighting alongside men to defend our country like good Americans.
Military service is an honorable thing to do for one’s country. All people should have the right to serve in our country’s military. But, the goal of the military is to protect the United States. Women in the military should be held to the same standards as men who serve. This means they must pass the same tests, and be just as strong, tall, and able. There is no point in having women fight if they will die unnecessarily. Thus, everyone must be equally as able.
Women should be required to register for selective service. If drafted, they would not necessarily have to be in combat. Also, if they were the mother of a small child, or any child, either they or their husband should be allowed to stay home and care for the child. Additionally, men and women who are collegebound would be able to avoid the draft. Everyone is equal, no matter their sex or social standing. But, the military must maintain their high standards for people allowed to fight for us.
Tiffany Wang
From earlier years, women primarily served in the military as a nurse in a combat zone. As time progressed, society has changed and the country has stressed equal rights and treatment between all people, including men and women. Women should not be denied the right to serve in combat, as long as she meets the demanding physical requirements. I believe they have made an educated, responsible choice in registering for combat positions, and the government should not deny them the right to serve in combat for their country. Sexism has decreased in the workplace especially during the last couple of decades. The number of stay at home dads has been gradually increasing, as mothers become the families’ source of income. Females should be required to register for selective service as males are also required to do so. America stresses the importance of advancing equality, therefore females and males should be treated the same in the military as well.
I don’t have an especially strong opinion on this matter surprisingly. I know I would never want to serve in the armed forces as a female, so this does not affect me personally in any way. However, the thing with this subject that does affect me is what this says about the treatment of women in today’s society. Why are we still being treated differently than men? It is degrading to women, though I do understand the viewpoint of opponents of this issue. As for the issue of women having to register for selective service, I’d support this because it gives them the freedom of choice.
Even the idea if limiting women's ability to join the military is absolutely ridiculous. We have come a long way since the days in which women were deemed inferior to men. We are in the 21st century now. Not 17th century pilgrim days. Women can now be whatever they choose to be, from politicians to boxers and the path of enlisting in the military should not be taken from them. Although one can argue that physically males do tend to more dominant and generally more emotionally stable, that does not mean every women in the country is going to break down crying in the middle of combat or fail to be able to carry the gear. If we were to use a general stereotype to discriminate against a group of people in the country, then we might as well as bring segregation back.
No one should be restricted simply by gender. Women should be given all the opportunities men are including the ability to register for selective services. If they cannot make it through training etc. then they don't. If they can handle it then they are in. Its the most simple and most logical way to do things. To suggest limiting women's right will only initiate outcry and controversy. If we want to continue to the country of "freedom" then by no means should one of the biggest groups of people be discriminated against.
Trace Lange Period 8
I do believe that women can do anything that men can do, and that women should be held to the same standards as men. Although I do feel that men and women have there own set of strengths and weaknesses. Women have traditionally been seen in a domestic role, while men have been held in more of a hunter protector role. Now this particular issue really doesn't spark any strong opinion for me. Now I have signed up for the selective service and if needed I would do whatever called on to do to protect this country. As for the differences in the signing up for selective service and the differences in testing for being in the military, I don't see any problem with it. if a man or women truly wishes to join or not join the military he or she will do whatever it takes to do just that.
For hundreds of years women have fought for equal rights and equal treatment in all sections of society. The path of progress should not stop not but continue into the future. Women should be allowed into active combat roles in the military. Likewise women should be required to register for selective service when they obtain the age of eighteen. American society is rapidly changing and the increase in equality between men in women and people of all types over the last century is the greatest accomplishment of the 20th century. In the path to equality the military has always led the charge. It was the military that was first to desegregate. It was the military that was the first to allow openly gay members of society to stand on an equal footing. It should be the military that allows women to serve equally in combat positions. The military is the safeguard of freedom and the military should reflect those it protects. Women however, should not be allowed to meet lower requirements than their male counterparts. All members of the finest fighting force the world has ever seen must be held to the same high standards. History has shown that when women are given the opportunity to succeed they raise and often exceed the level of their counterpart. Bill Clinton said “The wheels of justice are always moving, sometimes very slowly but still moving.” It is time we supercharge those wheels of justice and have the military lead by example yet again.
Monica DiLeo
I believe that women’s roles in the military need to be expanded, but always with equality in mind. Women should be required to fully meet the same expectations as their male counterparts when vying for a position. Even if men naturally have a predisposition to a stronger build that makes it easier for them to meet the physical requirements, women who also meet these requirements, even if it is harder for them to do so, should be given an equal chance to succeed in ground combat, etc. That said, women should also not have more forgiving standards than males in the military. Even though it may be more difficult for women to meet certain physical standards, it is still possible, and these women should be willing to push themselves in order to be successful in a certain job.
I also think that women should be required to register for the selective service. If there were to be a draft I do not think that women should necessarily be forcibly drafted into the same ground combat positions because of their physical differences. However, if 18 year old boys are required to sacrifice two years of their lives to the war, young women should have the same duty. Positions they could be drafted into could include administrative and less combative roles, unless of course they request to be in ground combat, etc. As the military and pentagon policies evolve, I think that complete equality should be the guiding factor in determining the direction of women’s role in the military.
Men are better for combat because they have greater strength and show more bravery and power because of that. THAT is a sexist statement and should not be taken into consideration when dealing with whether or not women can serve in the military. Women should be allowed to serve in the military. This should not be based purely on gender. There are women who can be just as strong or courageous and would make a great addition to the troops. That being said, if one has a dream, they should be encouraged to follow through with it. If a woman desires to fight for our country, she should have the right to. Just because she is female does not mean that her dream can be stripped away from her.
On the other hand, if a woman is clearly not ready or sustained for combat, she should not be serving. In most cases, if a woman knows she is not exactly strong enough, she will not want to go ahead and be part of the troops. In regard to that, if a woman is not strong enough to be in the military, she can always become a nurse to troops or hold another great position that will allow her to have a great life experience.
Women should not be required to register for selective service and placed on a military draft. This is the regulation now, and it should stay that way. If a woman wants to be in the military, she will take the initiative and interest in accomplishing that. She should definitely not have to be required to participate in service if she is not comfortable with the experience. Fighting for our country should be exhibited through passion, not force.
Patrick Winiarski
I feel that women's restrictions in the military should be removed. This is the 21st century and i believe that women should be able to take as much part in the military as their male counterparts. This would further women's rights for equality so i feel that if there was going to be draft women should be required to register for the selective service at the age of eighteen. Women should have the same opportunity to serve their country as males do and i do not believe that the government should interfere with such matters. The military has already started to allow gay members to actively serve so why should this be any different to women. I do not believe in any ridiculous statements regarding women being inferior or having lower standards then men, both sexes should have the same standard and i believe that both can reach the goal. Therefore i think that the military should not hold any restrictive positions for women and that total equality should be enforced within the United States Armed Services.
Lexi Koukos
Period 6
Generally when one thinks of women in the military they think of them as nurses or aids to wounded soldiers. Personally I feel that women’s roles should not be restricted due to the fact that this is the 21st century. I feel that women should be treated equally and that they should be given the same rights and opportunities as men. Like men, women chose whether or not to serve in the military and I feel that if this is something that a women really wants and if she meets the requirements that she should be allowed to do so. I realize that women may not be as “strong” as men and that often times direct combat may be harder for a women, however I feel that everybody should be given the same opportunities. If a women is just as qualified as a man in all of the proper categories, I see no reason to pick the man over the female besides the fact of stereotyping. We now live in a time where men and women are becoming more equal and women are no longer being looked at as the weaker of the two. Jobs that were once thought to only be female jobs are now becoming more popular for males. For example, as stated above, women were generally thought of as nurses in the military. Now however, more and more men are becoming involved in the medical field, and they too are becoming nurses. I realize that nursing does not require much physical labor, but I feel as though if a man is given the option to do so then why isn’t a women. As for selective services, I feel that women should have to register for them. This is because if women want equality in the military, they must do as the men do. In order to reduce the divide between men and women in the military, men and women should be required to do the same things and they should be treated equally.
The 21st century has brought about even more change in womens rights and has began to bring women into once strictly male positions such as firefighters and police officers as well as soldiers. Should these women be allowed in combat. I personally do not have a problem with it but I don't feel as though I should have a say because I will not have to worry about a female soldier hurting me as a result of incompetence. The soldiers in the military should be the people making the decision whether they want a female soldier having there back, because they are the people that know if a female soldier truly has what it takes to be a combat soldier. Can the current soldiers trust the female soldiers with there lives is the question, because even if the women pass the same fitness tests as they should have to, can they preform the necessary acts of a combat soldier. If the current combat soldiers believe that women can do the same job they are doing than I am all for women being in combat decisions but we should not risk other soldiers lives if they can not. With this being said women should not be required to register for selective service because as much as some women want women and men to be completely equal in all aspects the facts are that is not possible because men and women are not the same.
Jesse Eddy Period 8
The 21st century has brought about even more change in womens rights and has began to bring women into once strictly male positions such as firefighters and police officers as well as soldiers. Should these women be allowed in combat. I personally do not have a problem with it but I don't feel as though I should have a say because I will not have to worry about a female soldier hurting me as a result of incompetence. The soldiers in the military should be the people making the decision whether they want a female soldier having there back, because they are the people that know if a female soldier truly has what it takes to be a combat soldier. Can the current soldiers trust the female soldiers with there lives is the question, because even if the women pass the same fitness tests as they should have to, can they preform the necessary acts of a combat soldier. If the current combat soldiers believe that women can do the same job they are doing than I am all for women being in combat decisions but we should not risk other soldiers lives if they can not. With this being said women should not be required to register for selective service because as much as some women want women and men to be completely equal in all aspects the facts are that is not possible because men and women are not the same.
In regard to women’s roles increasing to combat situations, there are pros and cons. I don’t particularly oppose this stance, however women would have to be required to do the exact same training as the male counter part. Biologically, women would have a much difficult time in meeting the standards of males. I do have many thought though on the issue.
What would other nations think of America if we send women to the front lines? Maybe America is in the idea of the “21st century” but I can guarantee that our open mindedness is not fully understood but the entire world. With Americans already having a large number of enemies, why add fuel to the fire by giving them something else to be upset with us for. Its very noble for women to want to serve our nation and as any American should, but in the front lines is not a great spot. Its not a question if women can handle it, I feel confident there are many that can, but with many casualties on the combat lines, their more logical and superior intelligence can be way more useful in other areas of our military.
When men are out on patrols and in combat area the last thing they want to think about is if they are going to “offend” someone by saying things or going to the bathroom. The last thing we need to do is find another way to court marshal soldiers in combat zones for sexual harassment because of indecent exposure to a female.
Lastly, women should not be required to sign up for selective service. Although in the “21st century mind set” where sex is for recreation and all, its also still good for creation and with us sending off young women to fight in war is ridiculous when they can be way more helpful on the home front. The majority of 18 year old girls being given a gun and told to go fight is a little too scary for me. Although there are many young women out there that can do it with no problem the fact is the majority of 18 year old girls don’t exactly want to go to war, the ones that do want to can sign up on their own.
Jeffrey Lee
period 8
I feel that women should not be restricted from the US military. This is because it is in accordance with the strive for women to be equal. However I believe that women should have the same standards as men. Thus this would be no discrimination between races in the government. Moreover I believe that some woman have the capacity to achieve this. Although it may be true that not all woman can we should not help those who can back from doing what they want to do. With this I believe women should be able to register for selective services, which I know is only for men, I had to fill one out for FAFSA. Women should not be unable to serve in the selective services.
Megan McGrath
The government shouldn’t have control or restrict anyone who wants to serve their country, be it in a white collar office or on the front line. Serving for the United States in the army is an honor and a privilege, and any individual, no matter the gender, wants to serve they should not be denied. A woman should have every right to serve in the United States military and there should be no restrictions as long as she can pass the physical and psychological requirements. If there are women who are able and willing to fill these positions they should be allowed to do so as long as she meets the physical standards to complete the tasks required of her then there should be no restrictions. Like any other soldier, she must be disciplined and possess the skills needed to participate in war in order to serve in the various sections of the United States military. Women should be given the chance to prove themselves worthy by completing the requirements as men to join the army and the Special Forces. If women want to be equal to men in regards to the military, then they should have to women register for selective service. This supports the rights of women to be equal and contribute to their country in the same degree as men do. However, just like a physically incapable male, a female with health conditions or pregnant would be exempt from serving.
So why is the nation so hesitant to allow women to serve in the military? The friendly jeering that happens between soldiers in a team can be misinterpreted as harassment against fellow female soldiers. It is the 21st century, it is about time Americans forget the connotations that society labels on females are a large part especially in regards to removing all restrictions on female soldiers in the military. In the past there were restrictions on women having dangerous positions in the military because of the importance of having women on the homefront, taking care of their families and working to make supplies for the men away during wartime. Clearly, this is not necessary any more in this day and age. Rather, women could be a valuable asset in the military. In our modern society there are less distinct “women’s jobs” and “men’s jobs”. So why can’t our military seem to be able to accept this?
Bella Guo
Period 8
Women aren't always necessarily weaker than men when it comes to the military. Therefore, the exceptions that do want to serve their country should be allowed to in any way that they feel necessary. It shouldn't be the decision of the government, because while the government is good, it still can't address people on a case by case basis. Therefore, if requirements for both men and women are the same, then these women who are strong enough would be able to not only serve on the military but also say that they are just as strong as any man in their unit.
Even though women should be allowed to participate in the military if they so choose, they still shouldn't be required to register for selective service. Weeding out women for selective service will be a hard and arduous task because not every woman will meet (or even come close to meeting) the guidelines for serving in the armed forces.
I believe women should not have a restricted role in the military. After how far America has come regarding women's rights, it seems a step in the wrong direction to limit them in this way. True, males are built to fight more than woman are, but any female that is willing to fight hard for her country should be able to just as men are. Physical impurities cannot stand in the way. Women are fully aware of the risk and can make their own decisions. Especially since the recent action of "don't ask don't tell," where gays are not restricted in the military, women should have equal opportunities. Discrimination of any kind should not occur. As times change, legislation should adapt.
Kayleigh Torok
Angela Yang
Women have strived for equality in all areas, such as equal wages, career opportunities as well as the right to vote. During the Vietnam war, the draft occurred in which the men of the nation were drafted to aid the war effort. There has been a question that has risen to the surface, should women have equal roles as men in the military? This is a new century and while women are physically built smaller and thus weaker naturally than man, they should be given the same opportunities in the military, since the first conventions for equal voting rights, women having been calling for equality in all areas, why should it not include the military.
For equal gain there must be equal sacrifice without exception. Until then there cannot be true equal rights. Women should be given equal opportunities in the military, should they choose to take these opportunities is completely up to them. The ages have changed and women have become more self sufficient and independent in these times. The further separation of genders in unnecessary. Should war time drafts occur again their is no reason for women to be restricted from these drafts. Women should definitely be allowed in combat situations, in modern times antiquated rituals should be reviewed and should these old regulations to be found unnecessary in modern times they should be removed or amended. Laws are constantly changing to serve the people that live by these rules. Women are calling for reform in the pentagon and if women want equal entrance into combat situations then why not let them.
It is a fact that people are generally in danger should they be in a combat situation, the women that are a part of this will understand the dangers and should they still wish to take a part of this there shouldn't be gender restrictions to stop them. Women can make decisions for what they are capable of, and these decisions should not be made by a congress that is 70% male. As stated, women have served for equality for centuries. Equality is not only being able to benefit from allow the good, but also suffering through the bad as well. In essence if women want true equality such as making the same income for the same kind of job, then they should be just as willing to be put in combat situations and should a wartime arise once more, they should also be willing to be drafted.
Women’s roles should not be restricted in the military. Women, though evolutionarily and physically weaker than men, can be trained to the same level as their opposites. Whether it be in combat or in strategics. Part of the issue on why female role in the military has been suppressed is due to the common and sexist views with both sexes. When generalized, women are usually associated with nurturing, cooking, cleaning, maintaining the household, peaceful etc. Men, to be accepted by society, have to be potent, confident, assertive, and are associated with sports, hardship and prevail, success etc. In most cases this can be true, women naturally tend to be more of the lovers while men are seen by society as the fighters. But when society uses these rules we find that, as people, we are not being valued as persons but as the society’s definition on what is male and what is female. This leads to frustration due to the social limits preventing one from reaching their potential or doing what they want. This is clearly seen with the women’s suffragists in the early 20th century. Now we see this struggle coming back but in the military and women’s roles in it. It is important that the military does not degrade its standards for women who aren’t as fit as men. The high standard should be kept for its importance in combat. However, this shouldn’t scare away women from reaching that goal or be an impossible goal at all. Women have just as much right as men to try for the various positions in the military and should not be subjugated against just because of their sex and denied the ability to fill that role despite being qualified. But despite these firm beliefs on equality, I don’t think it is necessary for women to be required to sign up for selective service.
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