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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Inside the Obama White House

Now that you have viewed Inside the Obama White House, what did you find surprising or interesting? Would you want to live there, or be interested in working there? Why/Why Not?

Due Friday 7:30am.


Anonymous said...

Alfred Kroqi
The White House of Barack Obama was surprising to me but I do not think it should have been. What surprised me the most was the age of the workers. I expected to see older workers but knowing Obama's platform for "Change" I should have expected he would have as many people under the age of 30 as possible working at the White House. I liked how the First Lady is working on a campaign to promote a healthy diet in teens and children yet in her own home, candy is everywhere. It would be cool to live in the White House just because it is such a historic place. Every where you turn you are reminded of great individuals who have helped the country. Also, the hundreds of workers at the White House would make life much simpler and easy. I would not enjoy working there however. It seems to hectic and busy. I would be stressed and a little claustrophobic. While you do get to be in contact with the President of the United States, dealing with overstressed advisers, politicians and secretaries is not exactly the most appealing idea in the world.

Sarah Meakin said...

As anyone who has seen a political office (or any office where the latest news and hectic schedules reign supreme) knows, all staffers must be on their toes at all times and everyone is constantly busy. New things are always popping up, as was seen in the Obama White House video, and everyone must be informed at all times. Knowing this (even if just from exaggerated TV shows), I was expecting the White House, top head quarters in the U.S. basically, to be the most hectic of them all. I found nothing in the video to be too surprising, except perhaps how Obama has not become entirely grey haired from the insane busyness of his life.
Living in the White House would definitely be an experience, but I don’t know how long I could handle it for. The top security would get old faster than a Ke$ha song played seven times per hour on KC 101.3. I would definitely get so tired of the press, and I would want to be wearing sweat pants if I was as stressed as all the staffers in the Casa Blanca. But other than that, everyone in the video (while it was maybe not as candid as absolutely possible) was really fun, and the “mood was kept light” so as to not entirely stress everyone out. Political offices, though extremely stressful, are definitely one of the most interesting places to work.

Sharon Turret said...

Since I viewed "Inside the White House" last year in civics I can't say I found anything surprising, however, I still found the video interesting. The hustle-bustle of the West Wing and the things people do there to lighten the mood was cool to learn about. I thought Rahm Emanuel added an interesting flavor to the mood that the video portrayed. He's a very no-nonsense person and you can tell that without him the White House would fall apart. This video also opened my eyes to the fact that Obama is very much a figure head - it is other people's jobs to coach him along and debrief him on everything he needs to know from day to day, locally and internationally.

I definitely wouldn't want to live in the White House. It's far too hectic and the security measures would probably make me a very paranoid and frantic individual. However, I think it would be pretty cool to have an internship there. I want to go to a college in DC so I may end up having an internship in one of the political buildings in DC, and I think its a very exciting place to work. I would like to be a part of the nations inner-workings and that's definitely the place to do it. However, I would not want a permanent job there, because just like living there, it would get to crazy and there would seem to be no escape.

The White House is a very energetic and exciting place to be, but it definitely has a stressful atmosphere that isn't right for most people.

Dan Chen (Period 6) said...

The Obama White House seems to display a very casual and normal countenance. From the President getting 5-Guys burgers to all the staffers not having frowns frozen on their faces, the general impression I received was that those who work at the White House are just normal, everyday people.

I learned a few names and positions from the video. I had heard of Axelrod before, but now I know that he is a senior advisor. Rahm Emanuel, the chief of staff too, I now know a little bit more about. The difference between bodyguard and body-man is also a new distinction I can make. This new information was enlightening and entertaining to see.

I was surprised at the number of conferences the President takes in one day. Two interviews with NBC, more to speak about Kagan and hurricane relief, and that’s after the briefings on national security and economic situation. I had previously been under the impression that such issues occurred less frequently. It also was interesting to see the rapid response that the President’s staff had to topics like attacks on their Justice nominee. By the time Obama’s defense of Kagan had reached the Washington Post headlines, it seemed as if eons had already passed from when the staffers first started to broadcast their support.

The hours the White House staffers worked was something I expected. With the fate of the country in their hands, I had almost expected the White House to never sleep. The crew seemed quite energetic despite their working hours though, and Emanuel seemed like an endless storm of energy.

All in all, the video was a nice peek into the workings of the White House, and helped me appreciate how normal politicians and their aides really are.

Sooriya Sundaram said...

I learned a great deal after watching "Inside the White House." After watching the program, I learned about the goings on in the political center of our country, and needless to say, I was very surprised. I must admit, I learned a little bit about President Obama's personal character after watching the video. I guess he doesn't spend all of his time with his dog or playing basketball with celebrities. It takes a very mentally strong and brave person to be able to tolerate the heavy amount of work that comes along with the Presidency, and although I don't believe he is doing an effective enough job, I commend his confidence in himself.

I don't think the White House is a very good environment for me. I don't think I would be able to handle not seeing my family for long periods of time, and I don't think I could wake up that early everyday for the rest of my life. Although I don't want to be a President's secretary, I wouldn't mind being associated with the White House for whatever reason. Working and living in Washington DC would be a great experience and would provide some great career opportunities for me. As of now I'm not really interested in working a 90 hour week, but we never know what I'll be thinking ten years from now!

Tom F said...

This was a fascinating video since it really chronicled what happened behind the scenes. Even though cameras were not allowed into some of the secret meetings, there were various aspects of the running the White House that have not been seen before. What was interesting to me was how stressful the lives of people around Obama are. It is obvious that the President is going to have a lot to deal with, but many of these issues were taken on by the staff. I also liked how the camera crews followed the President around all day, including from one destination to another. The video showed how much work and moving around the President has to do every single day.
I would love to work at the White House since it would be amazing to see what happens there. I feel that I would get a whole new perspective on how the country is run. But on the other hand, I would not like to live there because it means that you are living and working in the same place. It would be too difficult to leave any unfinished work because there is not too much of a set work day. I am also not too fond of being around the stress of running a nation all the time.
In the end, this documentary on the White House under Obama proved to be very informative while at the same time entertaining. It did a great job in showing what really happens day to day in one of the most important places in our country.

Anonymous said...

Eric Price
After watching "Inside the Obama White House" in class i found a new understanding of what its like inside the running white house. I was very surprised how hectic the whole place was and how busy everyone was, but yet was able to keep a very strong and positive attitude throughout the the day. The biggest thing that stood out to me was that Obama really didn't do as many recreational things as you normally see on TV. Obama's day was a very busy one, a lot of different speeches, appearances, and briefings all in one day. Kind of seems like he just goes from one to the other. I was also surprised at the age all the staff was. There was a good mix of older and younger views in the west wing. Kind of shows that even the younger generation can be destined from greatness. I also found it fun that he would go to Five guys for lunch and get everyone else some burgers.
If i had the chance i would definitely live in the white house. I think it would be a very interesting place to live. The white house its a gigantic place, but it has so much history behind it and reflects all the influences it has had in the past. But, on the other hand I don't think i would like to work in the White House. Even though it seems like the employees have fun they're always so busy and there is a lot that depends on you. If you screw up once than you may not recover.

Anonymous said...

Rachael Robitaille

Watching “Inside the White House” gave incredible amounts of insight into President Obama’s everyday activities. I learned just how taxing and demanding the job of president is, as well as all of the other positions associated with the title. No one can truly understand a situation unless they are in their shoes, but this video displayed the everyday stress that the power of such a position can place upon Obama. Therefore, I am impressed by his composure and ability to balance family life with his occupation. While I may not always agree with what he is doing, I now have the full realization of what the job entails.

I had always known that there were numerous jobs within the White House, but I had not realized that there were so many that devoted enormous amounts of time to informing and educating the president on a daily basis. Also, I was surprised at the amount of press conferences that occurred just in one day’s time. I have to admit, the bustling offices did seem appealing to me as a job choice. While it may not be practical for family life, I could absolutely see myself working in the White House in my early years after college. I believe it would be great exposure for me to have experienced politics firsthand, and it can only help me in the future. However, it is definitely not a job I could retain for the majority of my life, as shown by Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s speedy departure from his position.

Anonymous said...

Megan McGrath:
After viewing “Inside the White House,” I gained a new insight on the work days of those behind the scenes at the White House and helping the president. I have a new respect for the people working in the White House because it seems constantly hectic and some new issue is always being thrown their way. I thought it was impressive how although the people working in the White House have probably one of the most stressful jobs, they are always positive, confident, and energetic. I never truly realized how busy the president’s day is. I have always had some type of movie vision of the president’s day and life at the White House. However, these segments put me in my place, helping me realize that Obama was constantly jumping from one place to the next without a breather: either giving a speech, briefings, or appearances throughout the day. I was also surprised as to how young his staff generally is and how diverse they are: ranging from duke athlete graduate to former military personnel. And I found the most comical was how they White House has their own M & M’s that everyone eats throughout the day and everyone blasts music in their office. I appreciated how Obama seems to know the people that work for well and that he took the time to go to Five Guys for him and his ‘workers’. I was impressed by the man in the video who chose not to be the first Jewish leader of the house to work on Obama’s campaign and he even left his family in another state to do this. It showed me how dedicated people are to our nation. I was impressed on Michelle Obama’s campaign against childhood obesity and it got me thinking about how when a first lady’s husband is elected into office in a sense they are too because they are almost forced to take on their own political roles too. I would most definitely want to work in the White House. I love the fast past style of those who work there, personally I would never want to work somewhere that the day drags on. I like how everyone is so enthusiastic about what they do and dedicated too. I love the upbeat energy of the office: listening to music, joking around, eating M & M’s yet when it came down to business they could get serious. I love history so I would LOVE to work in such a historical building and city, each place you turn you are reminded of an aspect of our nation’s past. But most of all I would love to be working somewhere that I know I am directly making an impact. And who wouldn’t want to live in the White House!?! That was always my dream when I was little.

Anonymous said...

Miranda Scaramozza

After viewing Inside the Obama White House I was surprised by how young Obama’s staff was. Normally when I pictured the staff of the White House, I saw mostly older people in the positions that are currently held by many mid-twenty year olds. I also was surprised at how much Obama interacted with a large part of his staff. I always imagined that many of the people who worked for the president of the United States were invisible to the leader of our country. Instead Obama was very familiar and comfortable with his staff, which was something I found to be very refreshing.
The fast pace at which people need to work in the White House blew my mind. The amount of energy required to work in that type of environment day in and day out is something I would never be able to handle. I don’t think I have the neither stamina nor patience to do what many of his staff accomplish on a daily basis. Constantly dealing with the press is something else I don’t think I would enjoy at all. Living in the White House, however, would be a completely different situation. I wouldn’t mind waking up in one of the huge rooms that many and looking out the window to see the lawn and the Washington Monument. The amount of history in the White House would never cease to amaze me. Growing up in the White House would be the experience of a lifetime.
After seeing a regular day at the White House, I can say positively that while living in the White House would be amazing, working there would be too stressful for me.

zzou said...

Inside the Obama White House definitely shed new light on what a typical day in the White House is like. Before watching this I had very little idea of what it was like working inside. I had always pictured the President simply sitting in the Oval Office for most of the time doing work. But after watching the video I realized how hectic it really was. The President is constantly moving around, whether it was to attend press conference or to go on a food run to Five Guys. Another factor that really surprised me was the age of the people working under the President as well as their relationship with him. One would think those working under him would be much older with lots of experience but many of them were just out of college. What’s even more surprising is the relaxed nature of their relationship with the President. He treats them as colleagues as opposed to subordinates and had a personal relationship with each of them. The ability of the people to find fun (blasting music, throwing a ball around with Obama, etc.) under such a high stress job astounds me.

Living there would be an incredibly rewarding experience. The White House has an amazing history and a past of incredible occupants. Plus it’s huge so that’s a perk. However I would not want to work there. From the video you can tell the unimaginable amount of stress put on the workers. Many of them are not even able to see their family for very long periods of time. I doubt I would be able to handle a job there.

DanielC said...

What I found most interesting after watching the video on the white house was how the people worked in that environment. I would have expected it to be very high strung and tension to be rampant in all corners of the white house. But despite that preconception the workers still somehow find a way to be relaxed and level headed, whether it be through listening to music, eating m&m’s, taking breaks and joking with co-workers, or even going out to buy burgers, the scene seems to be manageable. But despite how it seems, I don’t believe I would ever want to work in the white house. I don’t think I would want to be handling public issues and the press constantly on behalf of the president and other affairs. I think that despite how the people who work there handle the stress, It would still be too stressful of an environment for me. Plus, personally I am not that politically involved so I wouldn’t know my way around. And I have no interest in being that involved. I believe it would be a cool place to visit as a historical and political learning trip, but otherwise I don’t think I would want to spend every day of the week there.

Nancy Li said...

The White House during the Obama Administration does seem like a dynamic and interested environment for a workplace. The group of advisors and administrators that were assembled for the Obama Administration view their work as serious, but with a flare of humor. Especially the former Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel’s personality; he is shown as a forward and blunt person. Emanuel will not take the time to fluff any comments or opinions. The people who become Chief of Staff will usually stay in the position for two years. The stress from managing the President’ schedule to overseeing the actions of the White House takes a great toll. It was interesting how Brian Williams portrayed the President has a man who will push his staffers to excel, but also takes the time to reward them for their work. Obama took the time to go to Five Guys to buy burgers for his staffers; any boss that does that for his employees is a caring one. His staffers are clearly devoted to advancing the Obama Administration for the better. The work that does into the daily press meetings is highly coordinated by both low and high leveled staffers. Each meeting is a risk for the staffers because every word put out by the White House is official and can have consequences if the comments are not consistent with prior statements. I have respect for the younger staffers who anticipate possible questions from the media and prepare answers for them. In some sense, they are working as the devil’s advocate; trying to view the stories from the “other side” in order to see what would weaken the White House’s stance. The environment that is the White House is a unique opportunity that anyone would be ecstatic just to be a part of that group. I would accept a position in the White House without hesitation even with the knowledge of it being a demanding environment.

Nicole Kowalczyk said...

“Inside the Obama White House” gave me the opportunity to learn about Obama and his staff’s everyday life in the grand White House. I thought it was intriguing to watch the experiences that take place there, but I would choose not to work or live there. A visit would enough. Not only is being the President or on staff a hectic job, but there is also so much pressure and dependency from the country. America relies on Obama, workers at the White House, and the government to always be on top of things and not let our country fall apart. It is a tough position because everyone’s eyes are on them; they make the major decisions and guide the country. If they go about an action wrongly, they automatically have their fingers pointed at them. This comes to terms with many careers, but when it is the whole country looking at you, it seems crazy to me.
I thought it was funny to watch Obama go to Five Guys in his limo and order food for his staff. It seems that because they live in the White House, they would always have luxurious meals, but it is nice to know that the President can be just as down-to-earth as a regular citizen. Another thing to mention about food; the apples! There are piles of apples in so many bowls in the White House. I thought that was a bit of a quirk. But it is good to know that aside from the fast food, they are staying nutritious!
One figure from the staff whom I got the chance to learn about was Rahm Emanuel. I was surprised by the way he spoke, especially whenever he got agitated and would tell the cameraman to leave. I can see where he is coming from though, because he is always running around and on his feet all day. As the White House Chief of Staff, he had a huge role to take on with many responsibilities. He claimed that working with Obama is different; that every president has a new perspective, and Rahm sees that once a brand new president first comes into office. I also found it interesting that he wanted to become the first Jewish Speaker of the House. Rahm Emanuel was someone I did not know much about before, and I’m glad the video showed an inside scoop of his experiences.
When Obama was being interviewed in the Blue Room, I sympathized with him when he claimed that he cannot just eliminate tasks from his issues to solve. He was asked if he had put too much on himself in his presidency so far, and he seemed to challenge that idea by saying he cannot just drop off one issue to spend more time on something else; that he wishes to accomplish everything on his list. If he ever neglected conflicts, it would be a chaotic mess.

Anonymous said...

Emily Smith

After seeing “The Obama White House” I cannot say anything shocked me. Of course the president is going to have a high strung, crazy life – he is the head of one of the most complex countries in the world, I would not expect it to be a low key four years of Obama’s life. On the other hand, in the video, Obama tried to convey the fact that there was a “light atmosphere” which I found odd considering the fact that Obama and his entire staff were always on the move. I was also a little bit surprised about the age of a majority of his staff – they were rather young. But, I should have expected this from a president whose motto is “Change”. I was surprised to hear that Michelle Obama had been a successful Harvard lawyer. I was very impressed by this along with the many charity events and volunteering with kids she participates in – I admire a good lawyer and respect someone who can give back to their community. My favorite part of the White House was their garden. I like how they use their own vegetable to cook with and also are able to use the garden to give to needy people in their area. I thought this exemplified a subtle, but meaningful way to help the less fortunate and gives a good example of the small things in life that people can do to make a difference. Finally, I think it would be AWESOME to work in the White House, just maybe not for Obama. If it was a President I supported, I would totally be up for it though! Granted I could probably only do it for a few years before I started going crazy from the stress, but regardless of the rigorous schedule and high stress, it would be a once in a life time chance and I would never pass it up. I’ve always dreamt of being involved in politics in Washington DC and what better place to do it then the White House itself!

Anonymous said...

David D

The “Inside the Obama White House” special helped to bring to light the daily lives of those who work in it. The First Family and staff were followed in their work, and the opportunity to observe their routine activities was interesting and, on occasion, surprising. As a fan of the television series “The West Wing,” I had previously seen fictional examples of the fast-paced lifestyle and youth of the staff; however, seeing it here as a documentation rather than portrayal was revealing. I was surprised how young the staff really was, although as would be explained, their youth can be necessary to keep up with the work, hours, and pay (or lack thereof). The casual nature of the administration (which extended to the POTUS picking up Five Guys burgers for the rest of his staff) and the activities they engage in to lighten the otherwise serious atmosphere, including throwing balls and consuming an indecent amount of candy, were entertaining but understandable – I compare it to the feeling I get at 2:00 am after finishing a paper. Probably the thing I was most surprised by was the abundant and seemingly inexhaustible energy.
The energy was impressive and one could certainly tell that they were working where they wanted to be. Personally, I do not think I could follow in their footsteps. The staggering time commitment involved would be overwhelming, and for the pecuniary compensation I would rather find patriotic duty somewhere else. It is easy to see how that job would be attractive to certain people, but I am not one of those happy few.

Anonymous said...

Kayleigh Torok
I really enjoyed watching “Inside the Obama White House.” It was interesting to see what life is like for a White House employee. I thought it was interesting that one employee said how the administrations of different presidents has such a great effect on the way the White House runs. I never thought about how the jobs of these people can change very drastically when someone new comes into office. I was surprised that President Obama personally went out to Five Guys instead of sending someone else. It was humorous to see Obama eating a burger and fries while simultaneously running the country. This video showed me a lot about the President’s day to day life. I had never thought about what it might be like to work at the White House. I don’t think that this is something that I would like to do. First, it seems very crazy and hectic. Those jobs seem to cause a lot of stress and pressure. Although it would be interesting to be able to work in the same place as the President of the United States, it is not worth the actual work that one would have to do. Also, it seems dangerous to work at the White House. As we just passed the anniversary of 9/11/01, I can’t help but think that a job there would put me in a danger zone for terrorist attacks, and even domestic attacks on the president. However, I would love to be able to visit the White House one day and view the historic site for educational purposes.

Nicole Adam said...

To be honest, nothing really surprised me about what I saw in the Obama white house. It was filmed right in the beginning of his presidency, so the energy and optimism of him and the staff were still at a high. I’d like to see the same documentary filmed now. Although, I did find it very interesting when they ordered take out from Five Guys. When that white house says that it is promoting healthy eating and a healthy life style, the president goes out and comes back with a bag of grease and ultimately ends up “saving” Five Guys from bankruptcy. I sense some hypocrisy!
I would love to live in the White House or a mansion like it, but I would never want to work there for any president! Having to deal with politics everyday all day would stress me out. Also, it takes a lot of time commitment and it seems like it would only be fun for the first few weeks and then it would get old. Being there for seven in the morning until after seven at night would wear me out eventually. Also, I want to have a family of my own someday and I would never be able to see them with a job like that. Although, maybe being that person who carries around the breath mints and papers for the president would be fun! Then again, they probably get paid minimum wage, so that’s not really practical. It’d be fun at first to work in the white house, but in the long term, it really isn’t all that glamorous. Oh and Brian Williams is so biased it’s not even funny. He wasn’t as nice to any other president on the other side of the spectrum, from what I’ve seen. Anyhow, the documentary was overall interesting.

Anonymous said...

Maggie Senft
I found many aspects of “Inside the Obama White House” to be very interesting. I was very surprised about the young age of many of the workers who were shown throughout the day. I had expected the employees to be of more experience and was stunned to see people in their mid-twenties working alongside the President. In addition, I was surprised about the amount of people working in the White House at any given moment. The video had showed many instances of people being crowded into small areas trying to get around. I found the vast amount of M&M’s to be very humorous and very contradictory of the amount of apples located in the White House. I also found that the little trip to “Five Guys” showed that the President is still a regular American citizen which made him more relatable. I was not surprised, however, at the high intensity pace of a day in the White House. It makes sense that it would be very stressful and exhausting to work on the issues of the United States of America.
Personally, I do not see myself working in the White House in the future. While the job does have its perks, like working directly with the President, I would feel a great amount of pressure. I would have to be on edge at every moment and I would be terrified to make a mistake. Having to deal with the long, stressful hours and low pay would not appeal me to have a future job in the White House.

Anonymous said...

Nicole Stauffer

I found the inner workings of the White House to be very interesting. The atmosphere was so busy and nonstop that I became stressed out and exhausted just from watching the show. I was surprised with how cramped everything was in the west wing. Interns and people with relatively low level jobs were squeezed in very small spaces and were on phones virtually all day. Also, very important people such as the Secretary of the Treasury and Hillary Clinton were seen waiting for time with the President. I was interested in the fact that the President took the time every night to answer 10 letters from citizens around the United States. That showed me that President Obama really wanted to stay in touch with Americans that often seem so distant in such a hectic household. I was also surprised by how many workers in Obama’s administration had to sacrifice to be apart of the White House. Most work 12-15 hour days and have little to no family life. It is for this reason that I would not want to work permanently at the White House. With that being said, I would love to work temporarily in such a prestigious and historically significant arena. Without hesitation, I would no doubt accept an interning job if I was just getting out of college and family life was not that important to me yet. I would have the energy to complete long day’s worth of tasks and in the end; it would pay off because of the benefits it would add to my resume. I imagine that a letter of recommendation from the President would be hard to turn down by any workplace I aspire to be apart of. Until I saw this show, I always thought living in the White House would be the coolest thing. Playing in the gardens, running around the enormous house, and being America’s envy was a dream. However, being truly exposed to the reality of living in the White House made me realized it wouldn’t be all that great. It is far from a normal life and I honestly do feel bad for the Obama family in some aspects of their seeming glamorous life. I would not want to live in the White House for more than a year. Secret Service would get annoying following me everywhere and I could not simply leave my house for a bite to eat without being followed by seven black cars and large men with black suits. At home, I would also feel violated. With hundreds of people entering and exiting my house on a daily basis, I would feel like my house is more of a museum and office.

Julie Chen said...

“Inside the Obama White House” has definitely provided the public with new insights behinds the scenes at the white house. The hectic environment and the endless work in the White House do not surprise me at all. I mean, it is where the President of the United States works, how does one not expect the President and his staff on their toes 24/7? What does surprise me is the young staff working in the White House. The whole mood of the White House is surprisingly energetic and high-spirited. From the music blasting in each corner of the White House to the Five Guy take out, the President and his staff seem to be great snacking on their official M & M’s. But from the frustrating press releases with Robert Gibbs to the endless email replies by Obama’s secretary, every sing job seemed stressful. This video really shows the dedication of the Obama administration, especially when Rahm Emanuel gave up a shot at his dream of becoming to be the first Jewish Speaker to work in the White House. The President seems to have a great relationship with his staff, and care about them as individuals, I mean, he took orders from them for Give Guys! Aside from the laughter and the humor, the everyday White House seems like an ER filled with trauma patients, one critical case after another requesting the very undivided attention of the doctors, and in this case, President Obama and his staff’s. The fast and intense pace of the White House seems exciting. Given the chance, I would definitely work and live in the White House, I mean, it’s the WHITE HOUSE. Aside from the pure joy of living in the beautiful mansion filled with American history (its like living in a museum, and this time you are allowed to touch the history of the United States without getting yelled at!), the very fast and intense pace of the White House is what I love. The feeling of actually accomplishing things that impact the lives of many thrills me.

Anonymous said...

Tiffany Wang
“Inside the White House” was an eye opener to me to see what the President and staff worker’s life was like. I was very surprised to see the young staff members who looked like they had just graduated from college. This shows how dedicated they are to Obama, and how he gives back to them for their hard work on his campaign. Obama even took the time to get his workers Five Guys for lunch. I found the apples and m&m’s around the West Wing humorous. The apples are there to promote healthy eating, yet they are ignored and more people are found to be eating the White House’s very own m&ms. I think it’d be really cool to live in the White House! There’s so much history to it, and just knowing that the past Presidents have been in the same spot where you’re standing is almost unreal. I don’t think I would like to work in the White House. The +60 hour work week is far too hectic. As Emmanuel said, working in the White House required him to move from his family. With a demanding job as this, I would have no time for myself, family, or anyone else.

Travis said...

I found the show Inside the Obama White House very interesting. I was surprised most by how much the people inside the White House pay attention to what the networks are saying. I was always aware of the saying, “24 hour news cycle” but I never really understood what that meant to government until I saw this documentary. In every office except the Oval Office there was a T.V. screen with the four major networks. Every person no matter what their position was is able to see what is going on at one time and what is begin said about the administration. I think in a way this brings the administration closer to the people than any other point in time. Earlier in history the federal government would be isolated from the people they were governing, a reason why some people wanted the federal government to have less power. Now, the country has a medium through the more one-way communication of T.V. and the more personal internet based forms of communication to talk and listen to what the people want. I also think the way that Obama has embraced the internet as is evident through his YouTube broadcast of his weekly address has helped Obama to connect with individuals better. Obama has made many changes to the White House some good most bad but this new way to interact with people is very important to the country.
I personally would never want to work in Washington because I couldn’t stand the political games that each side plays. It is becoming less and less about the issues and more and more about how you attack the other guys varying views on the issues. These political games are meaningless and do nothing to help the country which is the overall role of the government.

Carla Bellantonio said...

The video we watched gave viewers great insight about the daily happenings inside the White House. I don’t necessarily approve of Obama’s presidency and decisions so far but the video showed a lot about what he is like as a person. I definitely admire him more after watching this video; he seems really down to earth and goodhearted. However, it is ridiculous how Obama can go to a fast food restaurant and suddenly it’s all over the news. Is this so significant that multiple news channels must inform Americans about it?
I think it would be interesting to work at the White House and it would be a rewarding experience. I would build great connections, though it is a very time-consuming job. Realistically, I probably would not enjoy working at the White House because the pay is too low for the amount of time that the staff works, and it seems like such a stressful environment, despite the special occasions on which the President buys you Five Guys for lunch.

Anonymous said...

Jesse Eddy
Rarely when I think of the White House do I actually think of a place of work, I have always looked at the White House as the presidents home. This video inside the White House made me realize the amount of people that actually work in the White House and all of the White House’s important uses other than just being a home. The White House as said in the special is an office building, a banquet hall, a museum, and a home for the president. I can’t even imagine going to work in such an important and monumental building every day. I found it very surprising that so many people actually do their work in the White House, for some reason I have always assumed that most of the work that is actually being done in the White House was being done at another location. I would not want to work or live in the White House, mainly because I couldn’t imagine the security involved in entering the White House every day.

Anonymous said...

Period 6 Matt Mendonca
After watching “Inside the White House” in class, I feel like it gave me a more insightful view on what goes on during the daily life of both President Barack Obama and the various other employees that work by his side. I feel as though if an ordinary American citizen was asked what they thought goes on in the White House on a day to day basis, they would not be able to reciprocate simply due to lack of knowledge. This is probably because what goes on in the White House is not an ordinary topic of conversation and it’s not every day that you learn about the events that occur inside. However, I feel as though this video was beneficial because it was interesting for anyone who cared to learn about its message. After finishing the video I was definitely surprised with some of the things I had seen. One thing being that the size of the White House’s quarters seem much bigger than I had expected. When following the cameras around the multiple rooms and people I got the sense of the property’s vastness as a whole. Another thing that really surprised me was the difference in the age of employees in Obama’s staff. Many of the workers are below thirty years old, a change from many of the past presidencies where the staff was made up of the older generation employees with more experiences. However, the president claims he believes it will make no difference and tells the reporter he feels this staff is just as capable and efficient as any previous ones. Another thing that surprised me was how hard the staff seemed to be working. It was apparent that these employees were very busy and seemed to have almost no free time, constantly being on the computers and phones. Regardless, they did manage to spend quite some time of their day glued to their blackberries. Probably most surprising of all was getting a deeper perspective on Obama as a person. From the video, I see nothing but a calm, admirable, and unusually normal acting man. Despite being president, Obama does not act like he is better than anyone else and treats his employees with respect, even bringing them lunch one time. The President commented on how it is a downside that every time he wants to go out to simply get food or go to one of his daughter’s soccer matches, it is required that multiple protected vehicles and secret service accompany him but he understands the necessity. I found it interesting that when President Obama took the trip to Five Guys, it sparked such an emotional reaction from the people he met. They all seemed to really respect him and show their support.

Anonymous said...

Period 6 Matt Mendonca part 2
Personally, I would not want to live nor work at the White House. For many reasons I feel as though the living conditions and job would not be for me. If I was living in the White House I feel like there would be a serious lack of privacy and it would be hard to find even the slightest bit of peace and quite and relaxation with all that is going on in the building. I would much rather live in an ordinary, personalized home and avoid the extra commotion. Also, working there would not be my dream job. I definitely agree with the employees when they said it’s a once in a life time opportunity and a great experience but I feel like I would go insane from stress and the environment. There is no doubt in my mind that working in the same building as all of our respected historical presidents would be mind blowing but it wouldn’t be worth it. First of all, it was mentioned by workers, especially by Rahm Emanuel that there are sacrifices made to a worker in the White House. The biggest sacrifice for him alike many others is the lack of time spent with their families. Sometimes the employees work 15-16 hours a day and some families don’t even live in the same state. Obama says he feels sympathy for these workers’ sacrifices and is lucky to be able to spend at least some time with his wife and daughter when he can. Also, I would feel a great deal of pressure and responsibility working in such a respective position. Working for the president and the people of the United States puts you on the line and spotlight for mistake. I would not want to deal with this kind of stress. I feel as though I would be claustrophobic in the working space and sometimes cramped areas and the constant work flow and movement of others throughout the building would overwhelm me.

JackSenft said...

I thought that “Inside the Obama White House” was a very interesting look into the White House and the actual functions that take place inside it. Never before had I seen such a close look at the processes of the White House and the actual day to day life of a White House staffer. I was very interested at how much work each person that worked at the White House actually has on a daily basis, as well as how busy their lives are. I was surprised at how much the inside of the White House truly resembled an office atmosphere, complete with secretaries and interns. I did not expect the White House to be so office like, and frankly expected it to be much more high-tech with much more security. I was truly fascinated at the day to day life inside the White House.
I think I would be very interested in working there, under any president. I believe it would be an honor to work so close to the president on a daily basis, and know him on a personal level. Although the work is hectic and chaotic, I believe I would embrace the fact that I was working in the White House, and it would be worth it.
I thought the inside look at the White House was incredibly interesting, and would love to see a comparison of each president’s White House.

Jess Wallinger said...

I did not find much of this video to be very suprising. It is the White House after all and I had expected the jobs to be extremely stressful and demanding. Working for the President of the United States can't be easy at all. One thing I did find surpising though was Obama's 5 Guys take-out trip. I had figured that security would have been alot higher, rather than just letting him prance in there and order his bugers after cutting in front of everyone in line. Though there was a whole plan going on with times and all, I expected him to be more in the middle of a block of security personel instead.
I would probably really hate working in the White House. The first week I would probably enjoy the fact that I worked for the President, but after I would be too stressed out to manage. I feel like it being such a high pressure hectic job it wouldn't be a good idea. The White House is not for me.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Lee period 8
I was surprised by the videos of the Obama white house. There were many different spectrums of work ethic throughout that single day. It was interesting to see how while one group dealt with a slip up of words spoken by a presidential nominee for Supreme Court Justice. While this was going on multiple arrays of work where buzzing around the white house. Several meetings and interviews took place, some more secretive than others. The thing that surprised me most however was the work that First Lady, Michelle Obama, promoted: a healthy diet for children. This to me was ironic because that day, I found that the white house consumes a large quantity of M&Ms chocolate candy pieces, and also the president himself went out to a Five Guys across town to pick up a few burgers at the white house. I would most likely enjoy working at the white house. It would be interesting to work with people that are very influential in the country. Even though it would be very hectic daily, I would be in contact with the president daily, which is pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Frazier
The video "Inside the Obama White House" deffinitely shed light on the varrious demands possed upon an occupant of a White House job. I was surrprised to see how relaxed and easy going most of the staff was. I wouldd have imagined them to be much more stressed out and high strung rather than in a joking, have fun as co-workers mood. I found that surprising and rather interesting because I would have imagined that being in such a high demanding job there would be much more hustle and bustle. I also would have expected it to be less office like and for Obama to be surrounded by many more security personel.
I would not want to work at the White House because I do not think I would work well in such a demanding enviornment where so many people were dependent upon my actions. Where I do believe it would be a great experience to work side by side with the president and be held in such a high place, I know I would not work well under the kind of pressure presented with a job at the White House. I also know that I would not want to spend such a large amount of my life away from my family for such a low paying occupation.

Anonymous said...

Pat Winiarski
The video of what goes on in the White House really surprised me somewhat, the tempo and work ethic inside the White House is very up beat and as it showed in the videos the members of the administration are always on the move and quite busy. Another really surprising thing that came out at me was the age of the Obama administration, whenever i always think about government affiliates i always think the common stereotype of a old men that do not know whats going on. Although it seemed like the average age of the members was anywhere from 20s-30s, and this i feel is a good way to change things up to create a better environment of more efficient work since younger workers most likely have the energy to take on the huge work load and stress that they get daily.
I would not want to work or live at the White House because of the chaos and just historical relevance that the White House holds. It is not my style personally and also i just wouldn't like the irregular living style, i think that work and living should have complete separate areas. I would not want a job at the White House either because of the sacrifices that i would have to make which would be anywhere from, the long work day, the terrible pay, and the time away from home or family. Even though it would be a one in a life chance opportunity i feel that it would better fit someone else other than me.

Anonymous said...

Monica DiLeo
I thought that this video provided great insight into life at the White House that I had not previously been exposed to. I liked how the video had an uncensored and candid feel, but I definitely lawled at Rahm Emanuel slamming the door in the camera's face. I loved how the offices were filled with young people, and even though they are all under incredible amounts of stress, they keep the atmosphere light with music and jokes. It reminds me a lot of the political campaigns I work on. Despite the fact that everyone has a million things to do, everyone likes to joke with each other and its a really friendly environment. In terms of living in the White House, I don't think I'd want to. I don't think I'd want to be President because of the stress and transparency of the position, and there's nothing I love more than curling up in my own bed at the end of the day, or reading in Sarah's living room with the fire going. It's hard to get that same, private, cozy feel in a place like the White House. However, I would absolutely love to be one of the staffers working in the West Wing. I love the stressfulness and high pace of the position, but yet the comradery among the staff. I would rather be in a high stress and high level position in the West Wing than an elected position, because when you are an elected official you are always in the public eye. Basically, this video gave some great insight into life in the White House, and what President Obama's day-to-day schedule is like. It also gave a glimpse into the world of West Wing staffers that I would love to be among one day.

Anonymous said...

Tiantian Liu
"Inside the Obama White House" was definitely an interesting video, it linked what I have expected of the White House to the actual events of the West Wing. There are a few backstage scenes which I thought was unexpected to the public eye: the great supply of m&ms prepared by the stuff and the President's occasional chose of lunch takeouts. These events are light and easy going, which formed the exact contrast of the stressful and packed schedule inside the White House. The busy hallways and office rooms presented the right atmosphere of the nation's headquarters. It is serious and gave off the impression of importance. The place is live with real life problems and situations yet it still shows the unique sophistication reflected by the well kept waiting rooms and massive amount of security.

It is hard to miss Rahm Emanuel during the video. He gave me the impression of an well balanced workaholic and a humorous character. His strict ways to get things done seemed like the ultimate solution around the West Wing. Emanuel also lived up to his reputations of a hard worker, the video had well reflected his 'authorities' around the offices.

As for living or working in the White House, I have zero interest in doing so. Honesty, the constant nerve wracking work schedule as well as the massive amount of files sounds scary. I admire people who devote themselves in serving their county on a twenty-four seven basis, but it is not in my agenda to follow their footsteps. The overwhelming weight of their work demands the workers' many sacrifices, it is a busy lifestyle even in the bystander's eyes.

Anonymous said...

Mike Thomas, AP Gov Period 6
In watching the video clips on the White House with President Obama, I found it very interesting to learn how crazy the schedule is for all his staff members and himself. It’s surprising to find out that some of the staff work so many hours and are so far from their hometown that they may not see their families for a long time. I also found it surprising the amount of detail that the planning took for the president and his staff. There was so much stuff to get done and so many people to meet with that the president schedule had to be planned out to the outmost accuracy and in watching the visit to Five Guys, the slightest change of schedule (even just lunch) can mean major preparations altered with security and what not.
I certainly would find it extremely interesting to live in a real treasure to our nation and a historical museum. Although, I feel that even with the second floor as private closings, it would be difficult at times. With the first floor more like a business than a house, it wouldn’t feel as comfortable with so much history around you. However, I must say I would love to work in the White House. I feel like this experience would be one in a million and I would love to see the president of the United States ask for my lunch order. Pretty Neat.

Anonymous said...

Courtney McQuade

I found it interesting to get a glimpse into life at the Whitehouse; however, I would not want to be part of it, under any president. Life at the Whitehouse seems all stress, all the time, and I am not the type of person who handles stress well. I would also have no interest living at my workplace! It was interesting to learn that the President goes on outings to pick up fast food however. I had always wondered if and how a famous person maintains bouts of normalcy in their life, or at least tries. By this I mean that although the President did go out to order the takeout, he was accompanied by several other people such as secret service and a “press pool” and was stared at and video-taped, and photographed during the whole scenario. Also, I wondered how often he gets to spend time with his family, a question that this news special failed to adequately answer. I would not have any interest in working at such a busy, stressful, and important place due to the amount of pressure and the amount of dedication required. It was mentioned in this special that Rahm Emanual is currently living away from his family as they have not been able to move to Washington DC yet. And I do not imagine that President Obama gets to spend too much quality time with his daughters, nor that his daughters have a normal life. They probably go to some hot-shot private school and are photographed when out in public, and followed by security guards like their father and mother. I could not hold a position (in regards to my career) that would affect the life of my family so much or significantly decrease the amount of quality time I can spend with them. I give the President credit for taking on such an enormous task, but I could never handle so much pressure, the pressure of pleasing so many people, having to deal with such controversial and sensitive issues, and trying to successfully run a nation that is so critical in the functioning of our

Anonymous said...


Snigdha said...

Looking inside the Obama white house, I would want nothing more than to work there. The majority of the staff, if not all, in the west wing saw the president on a daily basis. To have this kind of interaction with someone who is so crucial to the country is simply amazing. Here in Cheshire, we’d be lucky if we ever saw the President even come to Connecticut. Looking at the video, a job in the White House seems very appealing. The workplace environment seems to be great, even though it is stressful. Having a job in the White House would make me feel like I’m actually contributing to society. Let’s face it, working in an office right outside the Oval Office is much more satisfactory than voting in a dimly lit booth. As far as the video showed about the life of the Obama family, it was surprising how the First Lady and the President put aside time for their daughters. This would have been a bit more believable if the daughters were actually shown, but it was still an eye-opener. The video shows Obama as a very down to earth person. He works with huge issues but still remembers to listen to everyday citizens. He reads a couple letters each night from various Americans who comment on their lives as well as their opinion on the status of America. This combined with his love of greasy fries from five guys and his basketball court outside his office, makes Obama seem very in touch with everyday life. Now to discuss a more important issue: editing. There were about two dozen cameras inside the White House with numerous cameramen. Surely, someone, or some camera, picked up something that portrayed the White House in a negative light. While there were negative points in the video, for example the busy lifestyle of most of the staff, i.e. Ram Emanuel, they aroused sympathy. I’m talking about the kind of negative points that would stir up anger by viewers. There were none in the video which makes me wonder how big of an effect editing played on this ‘special presentation’. Was it in fact special and showed the true life of the White House? Or was it ‘special’ in that it made Obama look good?

Anonymous said...

After viewing the video "Inside the Obama White House" I realized just how interesting things were. The staff was surprisingly very young, some in their twenties, which took me by surprise and also I found them to all be funny and outgoing which i often don't associate with office workers. This showed how Obama cared about the people who worked on his campaign and he provided them with jobs afterwards. My idea of the white house staff consisded of more experienced and older people. There were some oldies but mostly all were young or middle aged. Also I was taken back when I heard the amount of people that go in and out of the white house at any given time. It seemed to me like a small city. This meant that often times people were crammed into small offices which k found to d humorous considering the size of the white house. Another thing that I found humorous was the amount of candy consumed on a daily basis by the staff. It was shown that there were hundreds of apples all through out the whet house yet the staff still chose to eat the junk food/candy. Then Obama took it to another level when hs went to five guys. He took the staffs order which I thought was very kind of him to do and it also shows that he's still your average guy Whig makes him easy to relate to. On the other hand it was shown how the white house never rests. Its constantly chaotic and everyone has something to do at all times. This to me seemed very overwhelming and stressful. I was also saddened at the factt that Obama doesn't see his wife and kids that often, but I liked how he attends his daughters soccer games when he can and how he put in a swing set near his office for them. It shows how he really enjoys beig a dad and once again how he is easy to relate to.

Personally I could not see myself working in the white house in the future. While it maybe a great opportunity, the jobs provided at the white house don't appeal to me. Also there is far too much pressure and it does not leave much time for a social life or a normal one for that matter. Not to mention the fact that there is such low pay. Overall the risk isn't worth the reward for me. I'd much rather do somerhing that I love from the start instead of wasting my time. It's safe to say a job at the white house is not in my future.

Lexi Koukos ; period 6

Angela Yang said...

The look inside the Obama White House was uniquely fascinating in that it showed what it would be like to be a part of government, working inside the white house. The Presidency and the white house is something that hold a sort of symbolism over the entire country. What was surprising to me was the easy-going attitude the people try to portray despite the long hours and mountains of pressure upon those inside the white house to succeed. The Oval Office has always seemed to be something sacred, with someone throwing a basketball through the office almost makes it a little more real and understandable. Another thing I found fascinating was the atmosphere in the White House, I had always imagined it to be silent, stiff and rather aloof. However the Obama administration has brought into the White House a bit of energy.

Overall it was very interesting to see the White House from the inside as I've mostly only seen the outside of the White House in person and from a distance. The inside of the white house is radically different from the impression it gives. The building it's self seems to represent strength to the world, however on the interior, the President shows a more jovial side to the job of president.

Another aspect of the documentary that struck me was the selfless sacrificed that people made to be in office. There are many people working for Obama that had to abandon their homes to work in the White House. These people put aside families to work for the welfare of the country.

Anonymous said...

Allison Saffiotti Period 6

After viewing “Inside the Obama White House”, I found it to be very hectic in the West Wing. I expected this considering the great amount of work the President and his staff has to do. Although, I was surprised to see how the President and some staffers tried to keep the mood light and less conservative in the office at times. Another aspect I was not expecting was the young age of many of his staffers. I thought the members of his staff would be older and more experienced. Besides this, I found this video to be an accurate portrayal of what I thought working in the white house would be like.

I would not like to work in the West Wing of the White House after seeing this. Many of the staffers are there whenever need be and there work load is intense. Workers like chief of staff Rahm Emanuel rarely see there families or have any free time outside of this job. Although the president does try to keep the atmosphere light in this office, the overwhelming stress of these staffers is still obvious in this video. Working in the White House must be a great experience and a once in a lifetime opportunity but I do not think it is right for me.

Anonymous said...

Bella Guo

I was definitely not expecting how chaotic it was going to be in the White House. After all, it's the President's office, so I didn't think that there would be as many other people there, trying to do as many things. I sort of assumed that they had buildings else where for some of the things happening in the white house. Something interesting that I found was that Obama was able to just decide to go out for fast food, but had to have a giant procession of cars for a speech he wanted to make across town.

I wouldn't really like to live there, because I don't think I would be able to handle all that stress. While it would be cool to have such a direct impact on decisions made to benefit the country, there would be so much pressure on you, coming from all sides. Also, the younger staffers have to pretty much run around, doing everything, from memorizing the President's schedule to typing up his responses to letters.

Riley Hasson said...

After watching Inside the White House... again... not much was surprising. It is all very interesting though. I think its great how everyone seems to work as one cohesive unit and support Obama. I think this reinforced many people's beliefs about how hectic politics can be. Obama is non-stop all the time and this shows that. I love the Five Guys Burgers and Fries part most of all. I think that it must be really hard to have to deal with such attention whenever you go out.
I love politics and everything but I would not want to live in the White House, it is way too crazy for me. I would definitely LOVE to work in the White House at some point in my life though. On my trip to DC this summer for the conference, I met several people that had worked there in years past and they all seemed to love it. It would definitely be a challenge, but I'd rather work hard than do nothing.